Jellyfish are wreaking havoc on the coast of Maharashtra.
Today, swarms of them thrive in the ocean.
These voracious feeders consume plant plankton, fish eggs, and small fish.
Jellyfish are believed to be present for over 5 00 million years.
Typically, they are eaten by marine species including turtles, mackerel, and tuna.
But since these species are commercially fished, these natural predators of jellyfish have become scarce.
As a result, jellyfish swarm all over the ocean.
Experts say this can have a far-reaching impact.
Fishermen from Palghar to Sindhudurg (Maharashtra) state that nearly 80-90 per cent of their daily catch is clogged with jellyfishes.
Jellyfish also sting tourists, who visit beaches and deep dive in the ocean.
As more and more tourists get stung by jellyfish, it will have an adverse impact on the marine tourism industry.
Jellyfish bloom needs to be tackled urgently.
Are policymakers ready for it?